Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

about HIV AIDS

                                                     Know and Recoqnized HIV
             In the modern era of globalization, it does not make health welfare in society . Evidenced by more diseases that attacks the internal organs of human. But its unfortunate because not all diseases have a cure. One of the diseases that has no cure is AIDS, AIDS is caused by the progression of HIV in the human body. according to the experts, so far they have not found a cure for AIDS. But for someone who has been suffering from HIV. They have found ways to slow the progression and the spreading of HIV in the body. Until now scientists are still trying to find a cure for AIDS, whether it be drugs or with other tools.

               HIV is the early symptoms of AIDS. Generally known that HIV is caused by promiscuity and use of shared syringes in turn. HIV is a virus that attacks the human immune system can incubate for having AIDS. HIV is very dangerous,  the virus is attacking the human immune system and survive very long in one's body, even so HIV can be prevented and treate d by following the HIV test at the nearest health center or hospital and following treatment with a doctor's advice (one of them with retroviral treatment if the CD4 cell in the body is under 200). HIV is not curable total but by following a disciplined doctor's treatment, the virus will be hampered its development to become AIDS. HIV testing is not yet socialized to maximum because there are few people who know and realize the importance of HIV testing. Most of those stricken with HIV is considered as the "poor". What is meant by "poor" does not mean economically poor but poor in knowledge and information about HIV.
AIDS is a continuation of symptoms after HIV infected. If a person already infected with HIV then ascertained that the person has a chance of developing the disease of AIDS, although for AIDS is still a virus and he had undergone treatment by a doctor or an expert, but the treatment is only functioning as a barrier. The final condition on a person who AIDS disease makes a person susceptible to wound infection and cancer. Now it's been a lot of special treatment for HIV and AIDS by slowing the rate of incubation of the virus, but still, this disease can not be cured completely. Some scientists believe that the AIDS disease came from sub-Saharan Africa. Currently, infectious diseases aids expected to reach 38.6 million people worldwide.
            Not all diseases have a cure but all diseases must be prevented in many ways. Prevention is very simple to do is prevent that comes from self awareness. as we know, in general, HIV spread resulting from promiscuity, use of hypodermic needles alternately (DRUGS), in addition to HIV also can be caused when a blood transfusion, the mother's milk, semen, and vaginal fluids. As a form of prevention can be done to avoid the HIV is:

a. avoid Free sex Intercourse.
            As we all know that sex originated from the passions, including the basic biological needs of every human being. sex can have a positive impact and negative. The positive impact that can be given by sex as sport, active in positive things (if married) can be one form of worship and provide offspring. The negative impact of which is increasing the level of crime, (if not married) was having sex can cause a scandal, and potentially lead to STIs and STDs that lead to HIV / AIDS. Free sex originated from the surrounding environment is not good and promiscuity are not responsible, for example, is settled in the neighborhood drug addicts, prostitutes, the area around discos and have sex with multiple partners can cause the HIV virus and eventually become AIDS. Therefore God gave human intellect to be able to think before doing any act so as not to cause a regret in the future.

b. Steer clear of Use Non-Sterile Injection Needles
            Drugs (narcotics, psychotropic and addictive substances) are all substances that affect the way work thoughts, feelings, perceptions and desires (Raising Drug-Free Children: 2007). In drug use, drug users forced them to be able to consume drugs with many ways. One way is to use a syringe. Often in the use of syringe users injecting alternately and repeatedly. syringe (associated with tattoos, body piercing) are also the media in HIV transmission. Transmission media syringes may also occur during blood transfusions, use of unsterilized needles during the process of making tattos and use of unsterile body piercing. Here are some reasons why HIV can be contracted through needle.

c. Increasing self awareness
        Realizing how negative actions will affect the future being built today. To avoid the negative action a person must have a strong principle, which is not easily shaken to something new (negative).

d. Get closer to God
        Having a strong sense of faith, (a small religious guidance from) this is the most powerful motivating factor to prevent not to be involved in acts that can lead to hiv / aids.

E. Reproduce information on HIV / AIDS
        To prevent something negative we would have to know information about what we will avoid and what we will do. As HIV / AIDS before it prevents you should first identify what about the things that cause and impact of HIV / AIDS for example if we know that free sex can lead to the emergence of HIV / AIDS, then it is definitely with the knowledge and information held will prevent self- us not to do so.

F. An HIV test
       Now it's been a lot of places that have facilitated HIV testing for free. This was done to urge people to avoid and to prevent from the beginning.

G. Attention from family
      Factors that also include HIV prevention is the concern of the family. The role of the family especially the parents are very influential in the developments, especially the attitude of the biological behavior of a child. So, should parents can give more attention, education and direction from an early age to the child to be able to recognize the various diseases that exist in the vicinity.

H. Conducting counseling HIV / AIDS
      Limitations information held by some people affects how much knowledge they have about HIV / AIDS. Information needed to increase knowledge about infectious and deadly diseases is very important, such as HIV / AIDS. Extension is expected to minimize the presence of HIV / AIDS. As counseling has done for three years from the year 2006-2009 at Bina Bangsa  Plus High School prosperous nation in the form of seminars HIV / AIDS by addressing the HIV / AIDS deeper and fit reality, as the history of HIV / AIDS, the causes of HIV / AIDS, factors of HIV / AIDS how to overcome them and number of people living with HIV / AIDS in Indonesia. In addition to the national seminar at Bina Bangsa Sejahtera Plus High School to reproduce information on HIV / AIDS with information media in schools, such as bulletin board and talk shows.
Some things are the causes of HIV / AIDS virus by blood transfusion is not in accordance with the procedure, for example blood donors infected with HIV / AIDS to the blood donation cause of HIV spread to the blood donor recipients the use of unsterile needles because doctors often forget to change or sterilize needle to inject the patient, or drug users who use needles repeatedly and alternately. It turned out that HIV can spread to the fetus if the mother is infected with HIV. Besides the normal process of giving birth to HIV-infected mothers, breastfeeding mothers who are infected with HIV and one exchange between sperm and vaginal fluids that have been infected with HIV (such as having sex with prostitutes and multiple partners sex).

Then, according to various articles we have read and relate to HIV / AIDS that it turns out, there are several misconceptions about HIV / AIDS by the world community. The most common misconception is divided into four namely:
1. HIV can spread through daily contact
2. Sexual intercourse with a virgin will cure AIDS
3. HIV can infect only homosexual men and users of drugs
4. Use a condom during intercourse to prevent the spread of HIV / AIDS

Those are some misunderstandings that occur in society about HIV / AIDS. Therefore, here we will try to justify these misconceptions we can.
Not many people who accept this situation when he was sentenced to HIV / AIDS. Most of them prefer to shut themselves from society, few of those who can rise from this fact because they felt himself unworthy to be in their environment. Actually, in reality there are many people who care about him (PLWHA), there are still many people who will give encouragement to them, still many people who will help them face problems they face. Therefore the best thing to do is to recognize and stay away from his virus, approached the sufferer.
According to the Commissioner of National AIDS Council (NAC), people with HIV in Indonesia until March 2008 reached 200,000 people data membuktikanbahwa spread of HIV in Indonesia was high. Therefore, government should commit an act so as not to increase the number of people living with HIV / AIDS in Indonesia. One way to provide education in the form of lectures, seminars and advertisements in the mass media appeals to all walks of life. Ranging from teenagers, the adults, up to parents. Then, the government can provide a decisive action or sanctions to those who commit acts contrary to the prevailing system dipemerintahan of violations of norms and the scrutiny of night entertainment venues. In addition, the government can provide moral and material assistance, and to multiply places of rehabilitation for patients who qualified.

Therefore, all the things that is done it depends on ourselve. All that is also done depends on our attitude. Like when someone have decided to do an unusually or unpredictable acts. For example: adolescent having a relationship and doing things that should be done by adults. It can result a bad effects to them and their enviroment.

The Government of Indonesia should have a good response, the disease of HIV / AIDS is due to the fact that HIV cases in Indonesia has increased from year to year. The government also must act quickly against the HIV / AIDS. Because in fact the attitude and response of the government is not in accordance with the facts.

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